Tips en Trucs 2019

Snelheidsmetingen voor Linux systemen

Je kunt verschillende redenen hebben om de snelheid van een Linux systeem te meten. De meeste mensen zijn gewoon nieuwsgierig. Sommigen willen weten of het systeem geschikt is voor spellen (gaming). Snelheidsmetingen kunnen ook helpen bij het identificeren van problemen en het aanpakken van zwakke punten waardoor je een soepeler en efficiënter systeem krijgt.

Er zijn verschillende manieren om snelheidsmetingen (benchmarks) onder Linux uit te voeren. Door het uitvoeren van verschillende tests krijg je een compleet beeld van de prestaties van een Linux systeem.


Sysbench heeft snelheidsmetingen voor de processor (CPU), het geheugen, lezen en schrijven op de harde schijf (SSD) en database prestaties. Sysbench is een terminal programma om snel en eenvoudig een systeem te testen.

Sysbench installeer je met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> sudo zypper install sysbench
[sudo] wachtwoord voor root:
Gegevens van opslagruimte laden...
Lezen van geïnstalleerde pakketten...
Pakketafhankelijkheden oplossen...

De volgende 2 NIEUWE pakketten zullen worden geïnstalleerd:
  libluajit-5_1-2 sysbench

2 nieuwe te installeren pakketten.
Totale downloadgrootte: 389,1 KiB. Reeds in de cache: 0 B. Na de bewerking zal aanvullend 1,1 MiB worden gebruikt.
Doorgaan? [j/n/v/...? alle opties tonen] (j): 
pakket libluajit-5_1-2-2.1.0~beta2-lp151.4.4.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                            (1/2), 228,0 KiB (487,6 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libluajit-5_1-2-2.1.0~beta2-lp151.4.4.x86_64.rpm ...................................................................[gereed]
pakket sysbench-1.0.11-lp151.2.3.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                        (2/2), 161,0 KiB (593,7 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: sysbench-1.0.11-lp151.2.3.x86_64.rpm ...............................................................................[gereed]
Controleren op conflicten tussen bestanden: .................................................................................[gereed]
(1/2) Installeren van: libluajit-5_1-2-2.1.0~beta2-lp151.4.4.x86_64 .........................................................[gereed]
(2/2) Installeren van: sysbench-1.0.11-lp151.2.3.x86_64 .....................................................................[gereed]

CPU test

De prestaties van de processor meet je met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> sysbench cpu run            
sysbench 1.0.11 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Initializing random number generator from current time

Prime numbers limit: 10000

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

CPU speed:
    events per second:   865.70

General statistics:
    total time:                          10.0005s
    total number of events:              8659

Latency (ms):
         min:                                  1.15
         avg:                                  1.15
         max:                                  1.33
         95th percentile:                      1.18
         sum:                               9998.68

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           8659.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   9.9987/0.00

Vervang in de opdracht run door help om meer uitleg over een test weer te geven. De test neemt wat tijd in beslag. Pas na het voltooien van de test verschijnen de resultaten.

Geheugen test

Het geheugen test je met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> sysbench memory run       
sysbench 1.0.11 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Initializing random number generator from current time

Running memory speed test with the following options:
  block size: 1KiB
  total size: 102400MiB
  operation: write
  scope: global

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

Total operations: 47473446 (4746340.46 per second)

46360.79 MiB transferred (4635.10 MiB/sec)

General statistics:
    total time:                          10.0000s
    total number of events:              47473446

Latency (ms):
         min:                                  0.00
         avg:                                  0.00
         max:                                  0.02
         95th percentile:                      0.00
         sum:                               4436.70

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           47473446.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   4.4367/0.00

Lees- en schrijftest

Bij de lees- en schrijftest (IO) moet je in de opdracht vermelden welk type test je wilt uitvoeren. De beschikbare tests kan je opvragen met behulp van de help optie van de IO test.

dany@pindabook:~> sysbench fileio --file-test-mode=seqwr run       
sysbench 1.0.11 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Initializing random number generator from current time

Extra file open flags: 0
128 files, 16MiB each
2GiB total file size
Block size 16KiB
Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests.
Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled.
Using synchronous I/O mode
Doing sequential write (creation) test
Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

File operations:
    reads/s:                      0.00
    writes/s:                     749.84
    fsyncs/s:                     947.70

    read, MiB/s:                  0.00
    written, MiB/s:               11.72

General statistics:
    total time:                          10.0002s
    total number of events:              16979

Latency (ms):
         min:                                  0.01
         avg:                                  0.59
         max:                                 40.51
         95th percentile:                      0.89
         sum:                               9990.48

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           16979.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   9.9905/0.00


GeekBench voert automatisch een reeks testen uit en geeft het complete verslag weer, samen met een overkoepelende score.

Download de meest recente Linux versie vanaf de Geekbench website. GeekBench is geen open source, maar bedrijfseigen software en wordt dus als uitvoerbare bestanden in een tar archief aangeboden. Na het downloaden, pak je het tar archief uit. Open je map met de uitgepakte GeekBench bestanden en start je GeekBench:

dany@pindabook:~> cd Downloads/Geekbench-5.0.2-Linux/
dany@pindabook:~/Downloads/Geekbench-5.0.2-Linux> ./geekbench_x86_64 
Geekbench 5.0.2 Tryout :

Geekbench 5 is in tryout mode.

Geekbench 5 requires an active Internet connection when in tryout mode, and 
automatically uploads test results to the Geekbench Browser. Other features 
are unavailable in tryout mode.

Buy a Geekbench 5 license to enable offline use and remove the limitations of 
tryout mode.

If you would like to purchase Geekbench you can do so online:

If you have already purchased Geekbench, enter your email address and license 
key from your email receipt with the following command line:

  ./geekbench_x86_64 -r  

  Running Gathering system information
System Information
  Operating System              Linux 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default x86_64
  Model                         LENOVO 20CD0038MB
  Motherboard                   LENOVO 20CD0038MB
  BIOS                          LENOVO GQET45WW (1.25 )

Processor Information
  Name                          Intel Core i7-4500U
  Topology                      1 Processor, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
  Identifier                    GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1
  Base Frequency                3.00 GHz
  L1 Instruction Cache          32.0 KB x 2
  L1 Data Cache                 32.0 KB x 2
  L2 Cache                      256 KB x 2
  L3 Cache                      4.00 MB

Memory Information
  Size                          7.70 GB

  Running AES-XTS
  Running Text Compression
  Running Image Compression
  Running Navigation
  Running HTML5
  Running SQLite
  Running PDF Rendering
  Running Text Rendering
  Running Clang
  Running Camera
  Running N-Body Physics
  Running Rigid Body Physics
  Running Gaussian Blur
  Running Face Detection
  Running Horizon Detection
  Running Image Inpainting
  Running HDR
  Running Ray Tracing
  Running Structure from Motion
  Running Speech Recognition
  Running Machine Learning

  Running AES-XTS
  Running Text Compression
  Running Image Compression
  Running Navigation
  Running HTML5
  Running SQLite
  Running PDF Rendering
  Running Text Rendering
  Running Clang
  Running Camera
  Running N-Body Physics
  Running Rigid Body Physics
  Running Gaussian Blur
  Running Face Detection
  Running Horizon Detection
  Running Image Inpainting
  Running HDR
  Running Ray Tracing
  Running Structure from Motion
  Running Speech Recognition
  Running Machine Learning

Uploading results to the Geekbench Browser. This could take a minute or two 
depending on the speed of your internet connection.

Upload succeeded. Visit the following link and view your results online:

Visit the following link and add this result to your profile:

dany@pindabook:~/Downloads/Geekbench-5.0.2-Linux> cd

Na de het uitvoeren van de test, geeft GeekBench een URL die je in de browser opent om de resultaten te bekijken.



Hardinfo kan naast het weergeven van gedetailleerde systeem informatie ook enkele basis snelheidstesten uitvoeren. Het is open source en standaard beschikbaar in de meeste distributies. Hardinfo installeer je met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> sudo zypper install hardinfo
[sudo] wachtwoord voor root: 
Ophalen van metagegevens uit opslagruimte 'Hoofd-opslagruimte voor bijwerken' ...............................................[gereed]
Cache van opslagruimte 'Hoofd-opslagruimte voor bijwerken' wordt gebouwd ....................................................[gereed]
Gegevens van opslagruimte laden...
Lezen van geïnstalleerde pakketten...
Pakketafhankelijkheden oplossen...

De volgende 4 NIEUWE pakketten zullen worden geïnstalleerd:
  apcupsd hardinfo libusb-0_1-4 sensors

De volgende 2 aanbevolen pakketten zijn automatisch geselecteerd:
  apcupsd sensors

4 nieuwe te installeren pakketten.
Totale downloadgrootte: 704,8 KiB. Reeds in de cache: 0 B. Na de bewerking zal aanvullend 2,2 MiB worden gebruikt.
Doorgaan? [j/n/v/...? alle opties tonen] (j): 
pakket libusb-0_1-4-0.1.13-lp151.2.2.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                    (1/4),  34,5 KiB ( 68,1 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libusb-0_1-4-0.1.13-lp151.2.2.x86_64.rpm ...........................................................................[gereed]
pakket apcupsd-3.14.14-lp151.5.3.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                        (2/4), 311,5 KiB (  1,3 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: apcupsd-3.14.14-lp151.5.3.x86_64.rpm ...............................................................................[gereed]
pakket sensors-3.5.0-lp151.4.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                        (3/4), 114,0 KiB (367,7 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: sensors-3.5.0-lp151.4.3.1.x86_64.rpm ...............................................................................[gereed]
pakket hardinfo-0.5.1-lp151.3.3.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                         (4/4), 244,7 KiB (455,9 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: hardinfo-0.5.1-lp151.3.3.x86_64.rpm ..................................................................[gereed (143,2 KiB/s)]
Controleren op conflicten tussen bestanden: .................................................................................[gereed]
(1/4) Installeren van: libusb-0_1-4-0.1.13-lp151.2.2.x86_64 .................................................................[gereed]
(2/4) Installeren van: apcupsd-3.14.14-lp151.5.3.x86_64 .....................................................................[gereed]
Aanvullende rpm-uitvoer:
Updating /etc/sysconfig/apcupsd ...

(3/4) Installeren van: sensors-3.5.0-lp151.4.3.1.x86_64 .....................................................................[gereed]
(4/4) Installeren van: hardinfo-0.5.1-lp151.3.3.x86_64 ......................................................................[gereed]

Hardinfo is een grafisch programma en start je via de Programmastarter > Toepassingen > Systeem > HardInfo. In het linkerpaneel vind je onderaan de categorie Benchmarks.


Op mijn systeem waren veel resultaten niet leesbaar (lichte tekstkleur op witte achtergrond). De resultaten die je kunt aanmaken met de knop Generate Report worden in een HTML-bestand verzameld en perfect in de browser weergegeven.


Phoronix Test Suite

De Phoronix Test Suite is een verzameling testroutines met een massa Linux benchmark hulpmiddelen. Phoronix Test Suite is vooral bekend om zijn grafische snelheidsmetingen, vandaar dat bij de installatie van de Phoronix Test Suite meestal Steam (de spelomgeving)) wordt meegeïnstalleerd:

dany@pindabook:~> sudo zypper install steam phoronix-test-suite
[sudo] wachtwoord voor root: 
Gegevens van opslagruimte laden...
Lezen van geïnstalleerde pakketten...
Pakketafhankelijkheden oplossen...

De volgende 199 NIEUWE pakketten zullen worden geïnstalleerd:
  alsa-devel alsa-devel-32bit alsa-oss-32bit alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit bsdiff dbus-1-glib-32bit fontconfig-32bit
  gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-32bit glibc-32bit glibc-devel gtk2-engine-oxygen-32bit gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita-32bit gtk2-tools-32bit
  krb5-32bit libacl1-32bit libargon2-1-32bit libasound2-32bit libatk-1_0-0-32bit libattr1-32bit libaudit1-32bit
  libavahi-client3-32bit libavahi-common3-32bit libblkid1-32bit libbz2-1-32bit libcairo2-32bit libcanberra0-32bit
  libcanberra-gtk0-32bit libcanberra-gtk2-module-32bit libcap2-32bit libcom_err2-32bit libcrack2-32bit libcryptsetup12-32bit
  libcups2-32bit libcurl4-32bit libdatrie1-32bit libdbus-1-3-32bit libdcerpc0-32bit libdcerpc-binding0-32bit libdevmapper1_03-32bit
  libdrm2-32bit libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit libdrm_intel1-32bit libdrm_nouveau2-32bit libdrm_radeon1-32bit libdw1-32bit libebl-plugins-32bit
  libedit0-32bit libelf1-32bit libexpat1-32bit libfam0-gamin-32bit libffi7-32bit libFLAC8-32bit libfreebl3-32bit libfreetype6-32bit
  libgcc_s1-32bit libgcrypt20-32bit libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit libgio-2_0-0-32bit libglib-2_0-0-32bit libglvnd-32bit
  libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit libgmp10-32bit libgnutls30-32bit libgobject-2_0-0-32bit libgpg-error0-32bit libgraphite2-3-32bit
  libgtk-2_0-0-32bit libharfbuzz0-32bit libhogweed4-32bit libidn2-0-32bit libjansson4-32bit libjbig2-32bit libjpeg8-32bit
  libjson-c3-32bit libkeyutils1-32bit libldap-2_4-2-32bit libldb1-32bit libLLVM7-32bit libltdl7-32bit liblz4-1-32bit liblzma5-32bit
  libmount1-32bit libncurses6-32bit libndr0-32bit libndr-krb5pac0-32bit libndr-nbt0-32bit libndr-standard0-32bit libnetapi0-32bit
  libnettle6-32bit libnghttp2-14-32bit libnm-glib4-32bit libnm-util2-32bit libnscd1-32bit libnsl2-32bit libogg0-32bit
  libopenal1-32bit libopenssl1_0_0 libopenssl1_0_0-steam libopenssl1_0_0-steam-32bit libopenssl1_1-32bit libp11-kit0-32bit
  libpango-1_0-0-32bit libpciaccess0-32bit libpcre1-32bit libpixman-1-0-32bit libpng12-0-32bit libpng16-16-32bit libpopt0-32bit
  libpsl5-32bit libpulse0-32bit libsamba-credentials0-32bit libsamba-errors0-32bit libsamba-hostconfig0-32bit libsamba-passdb0-32bit
  libsamba-util0-32bit libsamdb0-32bit libsasl2-3-32bit libSDL-1_2-0-32bit libseccomp2-32bit libselinux1-32bit libsmbconf0-32bit
  libsmbldap2-32bit libsndfile1-32bit libsoftokn3-32bit libspeex1-32bit libSPIRV-Tools-suse4 libSPIRV-Tools-suse4-32bit
  libsqlite3-0-32bit libssh4-32bit libstdc++6-32bit libsystemd0-32bit libtalloc2-32bit libtasn1-6-32bit libtdb1-32bit
  libtevent0-32bit libtevent-util0-32bit libthai0-32bit libtheora0-32bit libtiff5-32bit libtirpc3-32bit libudev1-32bit
  libunistring2-32bit libuuid1-32bit libverto1-32bit libvorbis0-32bit libvorbisenc2-32bit libvorbisfile3-32bit libvulkan1
  libvulkan1-32bit libwbclient0-32bit libX11-6-32bit libX11-xcb1-32bit libXau6-32bit libxcb1-32bit libxcb-dri2-0-32bit
  libxcb-dri3-0-32bit libxcb-glx0-32bit libxcb-present0-32bit libxcb-render0-32bit libxcb-shm0-32bit libxcb-sync1-32bit
  libXcomposite1-32bit libXcursor1-32bit libXdamage1-32bit libXdmcp6-32bit libXext6-32bit libXfixes3-32bit libXft2-32bit libXi6-32bit
  libXinerama1-32bit libXrandr2-32bit libXrender1-32bit libxshmfence1-32bit libXxf86vm1-32bit libz1-32bit linux-glibc-devel
  Mesa-32bit Mesa-dri-32bit Mesa-gallium-32bit Mesa-libGL1-32bit Mesa-libglapi0-32bit mozilla-nspr-32bit mozilla-nss-32bit
  mozilla-nss-certs-32bit nss-mdns-32bit pam-32bit patch phoronix-test-suite php7-zip pulseaudio-utils-32bit samba-client-32bit
  samba-libs-32bit steam steamtricks steamtricks-data systemd-32bit vulkan zenity zenity-lang

De volgende 6 aanbevolen pakketten zijn automatisch geselecteerd:
  alsa-oss-32bit libvulkan1-32bit pulseaudio-utils-32bit steamtricks-data vulkan zenity-lang

Het volgende pakket vereist dat het systeem opnieuw opstart:

199 nieuwe te installeren pakketten.
Totale downloadgrootte: 70,4 MiB. Reeds in de cache: 0 B. Na de bewerking zal aanvullend 246,9 MiB worden gebruikt.

    Opmerking: Systeemherstart vereist.
Doorgaan? [j/n/v/...? alle opties tonen] (j): 
pakket bsdiff-4.3-lp151.2.3.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                           (1/199),  18,3 KiB ( 28,0 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: bsdiff-4.3-lp151.2.3.x86_64.rpm ....................................................................................[gereed]
pakket glibc-32bit-2.26-lp151.18.7.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                    (2/199),   1,4 MiB (  4,3 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: glibc-32bit-2.26-lp151.18.7.x86_64.rpm .............................................................................[gereed]
pakket libSPIRV-Tools-suse4-2017.0.g103-lp151.3.4.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                     (3/199), 428,2 KiB (  2,0 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libSPIRV-Tools-suse4-2017.0.g103-lp151.3.4.x86_64.rpm ..............................................................[gereed]
pakket libsmbldap2-32bit-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-lp151.2.6.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald      (197/199), 108,6 KiB ( 45,4 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libsmbldap2-32bit-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-lp151.2.6.1.x86_64.rpm .................................................[gereed]
pakket samba-client-32bit-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-lp151.2.6.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald     (198/199),  96,0 KiB (  5,4 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: samba-client-32bit-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-lp151.2.6.1.x86_64.rpm ................................................[gereed]
pakket steam- wordt opgehaald                                     (199/199),   2,8 MiB (  2,8 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: steam- ....................................................................[gereed (3,8 MiB/s)]
Controleren op conflicten tussen bestanden: .................................................................................[gereed]
(  1/199) Installeren van: bsdiff-4.3-lp151.2.3.x86_64 ......................................................................[gereed]
(  2/199) Installeren van: glibc-32bit-2.26-lp151.18.7.x86_64 ...............................................................[gereed]
(  3/199) Installeren van: libSPIRV-Tools-suse4-2017.0.g103-lp151.3.4.x86_64 ................................................[gereed]
(197/199) Installeren van: libsmbldap2-32bit-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-lp151.2.6.1.x86_64 ...................................[gereed]
(198/199) Installeren van: samba-client-32bit-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-lp151.2.6.1.x86_64 ..................................[gereed]
(199/199) Installeren van: steam- ..................................................................[gereed]

Naast de grafische snelheidstesten bevat Phoronix enkele algemene testen, zoals:

John The Ripper

John The Ripper is een klassiek programma om wachtwoorden te kraken die door veiligheidstesters gebruikt wordt. John The Ripper belast de processor zo zwaar dat het een ideale test is. Installeer de test met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> phoronix-test-suite install john-the-ripper

[NOTICE] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in pts_module:119

Phoronix Test Suite v7.6.0
User Agreement

Phoronix Test Suite User Agreement & Notices:

- The Phoronix Test Suite is open-source and licensed under the
GNU GPLv3. However, some tests supported by the Phoronix Test
Suite are not open-source software or available for free of

- The Phoronix Test Suite contains tests which may stress your
system and in some cases could exhibit stability problems of the
system's hardware or software configuration. The Phoronix Test
Suite is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. In no event shall, Phoromatic, Phoronix Media, the Phoronix
Test Suite, or any associated stakeholder be liable to any party
for any direct or indirect damages for any use of -- including, without limitation, any lost
profits, business interruption, loss of programs, loss of
programmed data, or otherwise.

- For enterprise support, sponsorship, or other professional
inquiries, contact Community support can
be found in the Phoronix Forums at

- If you opt to submit your test results to,
the final results as well as basic hardware and software details
(what is shown in the results viewer) will be shared and publicly
accessible through

- Public bug reports, feature requests, and other issues can be
brought up in the Phoronix Test Suite forums, mailing list, or a
direct email to Phoronix Media.

Anonymous Usage Reporting / Statistics: If enabling the anonymous
usage reporting / statistics feature, some information about the
Phoronix Test Suite runs will be submitted to This information is used for analytical
purposes, including but not limited to, determining the most
popular tests / suites and calculating average run-times for
different test profiles. The test results are not reported in
this process nor the installed software / hardware information,
but ambient information about the testing process. This
information is stored anonymously. More information on this
feature is available with the included documentation.

For more information on the Phoronix Test Suite and its features,
visit or view the included

    Do you agree to these terms and wish to proceed (Y/n):  
    Enable anonymous usage / statistics reporting (Y/n): 


The following dependencies are needed and will be installed: 

- gcc
- gcc-c++
- make
- autoconf
- libopenssl-devel
- dmidecode
- Mesa-demo-x

This process may take several minutes.
Please enter your root password below:
Gegevens van opslagruimte laden...
Lezen van geïnstalleerde pakketten...
'make' is al geïnstalleerd.
Geen updatekandidaat voor bijwerken van 'make-4.2.1-lp151.7.39.x86_64'. De hoogst beschikbare versie is al geïnstalleerd.
'dmidecode' is al geïnstalleerd.
Geen updatekandidaat voor bijwerken van 'dmidecode-3.2-lp151.3.1.x86_64'. De hoogst beschikbare versie is al geïnstalleerd.
Pakketafhankelijkheden oplossen...

De volgende 19 NIEUWE pakketten zullen worden geïnstalleerd:
  autoconf gcc gcc7 gcc7-c++ gcc-c++ libasan4 libatomic1 libcilkrts5 libitm1 liblsan0 libmpx2 libmpxwrappers2 libopenssl-1_1-devel libopenssl-devel libstdc++6-devel-gcc7 libtsan0 libubsan0 Mesa-demo-x zlib-devel

19 nieuwe te installeren pakketten.
Totale downloadgrootte: 37,4 MiB. Reeds in de cache: 0 B. Na de bewerking zal aanvullend 139,4 MiB worden gebruikt.
Doorgaan? [j/n/v/...? alle opties tonen] (j): j
pakket Mesa-demo-x-8.3.0-lp151.2.3.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (1/19),  35,5 KiB ( 83,8 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: Mesa-demo-x-8.3.0-lp151.2.3.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket autoconf-2.69-lp151.2.70.noarch wordt opgehaald (2/19), 706,0 KiB (  2,2 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: autoconf-2.69-lp151.2.70.noarch.rpm [gereed]
pakket libatomic1-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (3/19),  20,5 KiB ( 26,1 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libatomic1-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket libitm1-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (4/19),  38,9 KiB (110,4 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libitm1-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket liblsan0-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (5/19), 139,1 KiB (333,1 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: liblsan0-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64.rpm [.gereed (993 B/s)]
pakket libmpx2-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (6/19),  19,1 KiB ( 18,3 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libmpx2-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket libmpxwrappers2-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (7/19),  17,8 KiB ( 14,2 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libmpxwrappers2-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket libtsan0-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (8/19), 285,3 KiB (929,2 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libtsan0-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket libasan4-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (9/19), 356,4 KiB (  1,3 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libasan4-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket libcilkrts5-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (10/19),  59,7 KiB (120,1 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libcilkrts5-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [.gereed (7,9 KiB/s)]
pakket libstdc++6-devel-gcc7-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (11/19),   6,7 MiB ( 35,7 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libstdc++6-devel-gcc7-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [.gereed (5,5 MiB/s)]
pakket libubsan0-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (12/19), 133,0 KiB (305,3 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libubsan0-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket zlib-devel-1.2.11-lp151.5.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (13/19), 110,2 KiB (385,9 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: zlib-devel-1.2.11-lp151.5.3.1.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket gcc7-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (14/19),  19,7 MiB ( 72,7 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: gcc7-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [....gereed (5,2 MiB/s)]
pakket libopenssl-1_1-devel-1.1.0i-lp151.8.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (15/19), 230,7 KiB (  1,2 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libopenssl-1_1-devel-1.1.0i-lp151.8.3.1.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket gcc7-c++-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (16/19),   8,9 MiB ( 23,9 MiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: gcc7-c++-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [..gereed (5,8 MiB/s)]
pakket gcc-7-lp151.3.5.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (17/19),  10,1 KiB (    0   B uitgepakt)
Ophalen: gcc-7-lp151.3.5.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
pakket libopenssl-devel-1.1.0i-lp151.1.1.noarch wordt opgehaald (18/19),  49,1 KiB (  246   B uitgepakt)
Ophalen: libopenssl-devel-1.1.0i-lp151.1.1.noarch.rpm [.gereed]
pakket gcc-c++-7-lp151.3.5.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (19/19),   8,9 KiB (    0   B uitgepakt)
Ophalen: gcc-c++-7-lp151.3.5.x86_64.rpm [gereed]
Controleren op conflicten tussen bestanden: [.......gereed]
( 1/19) Installeren van: Mesa-demo-x-8.3.0-lp151.2.3.x86_64 [.......gereed]
( 2/19) Installeren van: autoconf-2.69-lp151.2.70.noarch [............gereed]
( 3/19) Installeren van: libatomic1-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 [....gereed]
( 4/19) Installeren van: libitm1-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 [.......gereed]
( 5/19) Installeren van: liblsan0-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 [.........gereed]
( 6/19) Installeren van: libmpx2-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 [....gereed]
( 7/19) Installeren van: libmpxwrappers2-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 [.....gereed]
( 8/19) Installeren van: libtsan0-8.2.1+r264010-lp151.1.33.x86_64 [...........gereed]
( 9/19) Installeren van: libasan4-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 [............gereed]
(10/19) Installeren van: libcilkrts5-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 [.......gereed]
(11/19) Installeren van: libstdc++6-devel-gcc7-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 [............gereed]
(12/19) Installeren van: libubsan0-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 [.........gereed]
(13/19) Installeren van: zlib-devel-1.2.11-lp151.5.3.1.x86_64 [..........gereed]
(14/19) Installeren van: gcc7-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 [............gereed]
(15/19) Installeren van: libopenssl-1_1-devel-1.1.0i-lp151.8.3.1.x86_64 [............gereed]
(16/19) Installeren van: gcc7-c++-7.4.1+r270528-lp151.2.3.1.x86_64 [............gereed]
(17/19) Installeren van: gcc-7-lp151.3.5.x86_64 [...........gereed]
(18/19) Installeren van: libopenssl-devel-1.1.0i-lp151.1.1.noarch [.....gereed]
(19/19) Installeren van: gcc-c++-7-lp151.3.5.x86_64 [.......gereed]
    To Install:    pts/john-the-ripper-1.7.0

    Determining File Requirements ...............................................................................................
    Searching Download Caches ...................................................................................................

    1 Test To Install
        1 File To Download [42.25MB]
        102MB Of Disk Space Is Needed

        Test Installation 1 of 1
        1 File Needed [42.25 MB]
        Downloading: john-1.9.0-jumbo-1.tar.gz                                                                          [42.25MB]
        Downloading .............................................................................................................
        Installation Size: 102 MB
        Installing Test @ 12:36:54

Start de CPU test met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> phoronix-test-suite run john-the-ripper

[NOTICE] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in pts_module:119

John The Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1:
    Processor Test Configuration
        1: MD5
        2: Blowfish
        3: Test All Options
        Test: 1

Phoronix Test Suite v7.6.0
System Information

  PROCESSOR:          Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz
    Core Count:       2
    Thread Count:     4
    Extensions:       SSE 4.2 + AVX2 + AVX + RDRAND + FSGSBASE
    Cache Size:       4096 KB
    Microcode:        0x25
    Scaling Driver:   intel_pstate powersave

  GRAPHICS:           Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz)
    Vulkan:           1.0.65
    Display Driver:   modesetting 1.20.3
    Screen:           1920x1080

    Memory:           8192MB
    Chipset:          Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM
    Network:          Intel Wireless 7260

  DISK:               256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256
    File-System:      ext4
    Mount Options:    data=ordered relatime rw
    Disk Scheduler:   DEADLINE

    Kernel:           4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64)
    Desktop:          KDE Frameworks 5
    Compiler:         GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538]

    Would you like to save these test results (Y/n): 
    Enter a name to save these results under: test
    Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration: test1

If desired, enter a new description below to better describe this result set / system configuration under test.
Press ENTER to proceed without changes.

Current Description: Intel Core i7-4500U testing with a LENOVO 20CD0038MB and Intel Haswell-ULT IGP on openSUSE 15.1 via the Phoronix Test Suite.

New Description: 

        [Performance Tip] The powersave CPU scaling governor is currently in use. It's possible to obtain greater performance if
        using the performance governor.

        To change behavior, run: 

        echo performance | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor


        To stop showing performance tips, run: phoronix-test-suite unload-module perf_tips

        Continuing in 5 seconds or press CTRL-C to stop the testing process.

John The Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1:
    pts/john-the-ripper-1.7.0 [Test: MD5]
    Test 1 of 1
    Estimated Trial Run Count:    3
    Estimated Time To Completion: 4 Minutes [12:43 UTC]
        Started Run 1 @ 12:40:05
        Started Run 2 @ 12:41:06
        Started Run 3 @ 12:42:08
        Started Run 4 @ 12:43:09 *
        Started Run 5 @ 12:44:10 *
        Started Run 6 @ 12:45:11 *

    Test: MD5:

    Average: 123204 Real C/S
    Deviation: 9.81%

    Do you want to view the text results of the testing (Y/n): 
Intel Core i7-4500U testing with a LENOVO 20CD0038MB and Intel Haswell-ULT IGP on openSUSE 15.1 via the Phoronix Test Suite.


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

John The Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1
Test: MD5
    Real C/S > Higher Is Better
    test1 .. 123204 |================================================================================================================

    Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n): 
    Would you like to attach the system logs (lspci, dmesg, lsusb, etc) to the test result (Y/n): 

Results Uploaded To:

De test wordt driemaal doorlopen, waarna je de resultaten ziet.


Ook het compileren van een programma is voor de processor zeer belastend. Je installeert de compilatie test met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> phoronix-test-suite install compilebench

[NOTICE] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in pts_module:119

Phoronix Test Suite v7.6.0

    To Install:    pts/compilebench-1.0.2

    Determining File Requirements ...............................................................................................
    Searching Download Caches ...................................................................................................

    1 Test To Install
        1 File To Download [0.56MB]
        100MB Of Disk Space Is Needed

        Test Installation 1 of 1
        1 File Needed [0.56 MB / 1 Minute]
        Downloading: compilebench-0.6.tar.bz2                                                                            [0.56MB]
        Estimated Download Time: 1m .............................................................................................
        Installation Size: 100 MB
        Installing Test @ 12:52:14

Start de compilatie test met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> phoronix-test-suite run compilebench     

[NOTICE] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in pts_module:119

Compile Bench 0.6:
    Disk Test Configuration
        1: Initial Create
        2: Compile
        3: Read Compiled Tree
        4: Test All Options
        Test: 1

Phoronix Test Suite v7.6.0
System Information

  PROCESSOR:          Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz
    Core Count:       2
    Thread Count:     4
    Extensions:       SSE 4.2 + AVX2 + AVX + RDRAND + FSGSBASE
    Cache Size:       4096 KB
    Microcode:        0x25
    Scaling Driver:   intel_pstate powersave

  GRAPHICS:           Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz)
    Vulkan:           1.0.65
    Display Driver:   modesetting 1.20.3
    Screen:           1920x1080

    Memory:           8192MB
    Chipset:          Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM
    Network:          Intel Wireless 7260

  DISK:               256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256
    File-System:      ext4
    Mount Options:    data=ordered relatime rw
    Disk Scheduler:   DEADLINE

    Kernel:           4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64)
    Desktop:          KDE Frameworks 5
    Compiler:         GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538]

    Would you like to save these test results (Y/n): 

Recently Saved Test Results:
- test   [Today]

    Enter a name to save these results under: test

Current Test Identifiers:
- test1
- gzip

    Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration: Compile

If desired, enter a new description below to better describe this result set / system configuration under test.
Press ENTER to proceed without changes.

Current Description: Intel Core i7-4500U testing with a LENOVO 20CD0038MB and Intel Haswell-ULT IGP on openSUSE 15.1 via the Phoronix Test Suite.

New Description: 

Compile Bench 0.6:
    pts/compilebench-1.0.2 [Test: Initial Create]
    Test 1 of 1
    Estimated Trial Run Count:    3
    Estimated Time To Completion: 17 Minutes [13:27 UTC]
        Started Run 1 @ 13:10:19
        Started Run 2 @ 13:11:20
        Started Run 3 @ 13:12:17

    Test: Initial Create:

    Average: 301.86 MB/s
    Deviation: 2.14% Dynamic Comparison: 
    MB/s > Higher Is Better
    compilebench .. 39.61  |==============
    Compile ....... 301.86 |=========================================================================================================
    Result Perspective:

    Do you want to view the text results of the testing (Y/n): 
Intel Core i7-4500U testing with a LENOVO 20CD0038MB and Intel Haswell-ULT IGP on openSUSE 15.1 via the Phoronix Test Suite.


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

John The Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1
Test: MD5
    Real C/S > Higher Is Better
    test1 .. 123204 |================================================================================================================

Gzip Compression 
Linux Source Tree Archiving To .tar.gz
    Seconds < Lower Is Better
    gzip .. 50.43 |==================================================================================================================

Compile Bench 0.6
Test: Initial Create
    MB/s > Higher Is Better
    Compile .. 301.86 |==============================================================================================================

    Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n): 
    Would you like to attach the system logs (lspci, dmesg, lsusb, etc) to the test result (Y/n): 

Results Uploaded To:

Gzip compressie test

Als afsluiter nog een processor belastende taak: het comprimeren van bestanden. Deze test installler je met de opdracht:

dany@pindabook:~> phoronix-test-suite install compress-gzip

[NOTICE] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in pts_module:119

Phoronix Test Suite v7.6.0

    To Install:    pts/compress-gzip-1.2.0

    Determining File Requirements ...............................................................................................
    Searching Download Caches ...................................................................................................

    1 Test To Install
        1 File To Download [149MB]

        Test Installation 1 of 1
        1 File Needed [149 MB / 2 Minutes]
        Downloading: linux-4.13.tar.gz                                                                                    [149MB]
        Estimated Download Time: 2m .............................................................................................
        Installing Test @ 12:55:40

En voer je uit met:

dany@pindabook:~> phoronix-test-suite run compress-gzip

[NOTICE] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in pts_module:119

Phoronix Test Suite v7.6.0
System Information

  PROCESSOR:          Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz
    Core Count:       2
    Thread Count:     4
    Extensions:       SSE 4.2 + AVX2 + AVX + RDRAND + FSGSBASE
    Cache Size:       4096 KB
    Microcode:        0x25
    Scaling Driver:   intel_pstate powersave

  GRAPHICS:           Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz)
    Vulkan:           1.0.65
    Display Driver:   modesetting 1.20.3
    Screen:           1920x1080

    Memory:           8192MB
    Chipset:          Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM
    Network:          Intel Wireless 7260

  DISK:               256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256
    File-System:      ext4
    Mount Options:    data=ordered relatime rw
    Disk Scheduler:   DEADLINE

    Kernel:           4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64)
    Desktop:          KDE Frameworks 5
    Compiler:         GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538]

    Would you like to save these test results (Y/n): 

Recently Saved Test Results:
- test   [Today]

    Enter a name to save these results under: test

Current Test Identifiers:
- test1

    Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration: gzip

If desired, enter a new description below to better describe this result set / system configuration under test.
Press ENTER to proceed without changes.

Current Description: Intel Core i7-4500U testing with a LENOVO 20CD0038MB and Intel Haswell-ULT IGP on openSUSE 15.1 via the Phoronix Test Suite.

New Description: 

        [Performance Tip] The powersave CPU scaling governor is currently in use. It's possible to obtain greater performance if
        using the performance governor.

        To change behavior, run: 

        echo performance | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor


        To stop showing performance tips, run: phoronix-test-suite unload-module perf_tips

        Continuing in 5 seconds or press CTRL-C to stop the testing process.

Gzip Compression:
    Test 1 of 1
    Estimated Trial Run Count:    3
    Estimated Time To Completion: 7 Minutes [13:03 UTC]
        Running Pre-Test Script @ 12:57:12
        Started Run 1 @ 12:57:26
        Running Interim Test Script @ 12:58:17
        Started Run 2 @ 12:58:17
        Running Interim Test Script @ 12:59:08
        Started Run 3 @ 12:59:09
        Running Post-Test Script @ 13:00:00

    Linux Source Tree Archiving To .tar.gz:

    Average: 50.43 Seconds
    Deviation: 0.49% Dynamic Comparison: 
    Seconds < Lower Is Better
    compression .. 51.70 |===========================================================================================================
    gzip ......... 50.43 |========================================================================================================
    compression .. 42.47 |========================================================================================
    Result Perspective:

    Do you want to view the text results of the testing (Y/n): 
Intel Core i7-4500U testing with a LENOVO 20CD0038MB and Intel Haswell-ULT IGP on openSUSE 15.1 via the Phoronix Test Suite.


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080


        Processor: Intel Core i7-4500U @ 3.00GHz (2 Cores / 4 Threads), Motherboard: LENOVO 20CD0038MB, Chipset: Intel Haswell-ULT DRAM, Memory: 8192MB, Disk: 256GB SAMSUNG MZ7TD256, Graphics: Intel Haswell-ULT IGP (1100MHz), Audio: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio, Network: Intel Wireless 7260

        OS: openSUSE 15.1, Kernel: 4.12.14-lp151.28.16-default (x86_64), Desktop: KDE Frameworks 5, Display Driver: modesetting 1.20.3, Vulkan: 1.0.65, Compiler: GCC 7.4.1 20190424 [gcc-7-branch revision 270538], File-System: ext4, Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

John The Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1
Test: MD5
    Real C/S > Higher Is Better
    test1 .. 123204 |================================================================================================================

Gzip Compression 
Linux Source Tree Archiving To .tar.gz
    Seconds < Lower Is Better
    gzip .. 50.43 |==================================================================================================================

    Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n): 
    Would you like to attach the system logs (lspci, dmesg, lsusb, etc) to the test result (Y/n): 

Results Uploaded To: